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Financial Leadership Development Clergy Community
A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22


By taking caring of our physical health, we are better able to achieve overall well-being. In turn, we, as leaders of a faith community, are also better able to help others when we are well. The resources below can assist you as you work toward your personal well-being.

Call to Health 
Call to Health, a program available to active members of the Benefits Plan of the PC(USA), encourages members to take specific steps to improve their health and well-being.

Medical Plan of the Benefits Plan of the PC(USA)
The Medical Plan plays a key role in the care of the community of Benefits Plan members.

NEXT Church Blog Series on a "Physical Faith"
This series explores how we can use our bodies to worship God.



"I have always firmly believed that a pastor who does not take care of himself or herself will ultimately be unable to care properly for his or her congregation. It is important, therefore, to provide time for spiritual renewal and physical invigoration. Some of the best advice I ever received came from a mentor in college. He told me that I should always take one day to myself. No schoolwork on that day! Since college, and particularly in the ministry, I have taken that advice to heart. Sabbath should be taken seriously; it provides a time for reflection, rest, and recreation.”
— Brian K. Blount,
   President and Professor of
      New Testament,
      Union Presbyterian Seminary
      Richmond, Virginia​​​​​