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Leadership Development Clergy Community Health
Let me abide in your tent for ever,
find refuge under the shelter of your wings.
For you, O God, have heard my vows;
you have given me the heritage of those
who fear your name.
Psalm 61:4-5

The beginning stages of ministry are an important time to understand and make choices about personal finances. From short-term concerns, such as paying off seminary debt and preparing for parenthood, to longer range goals, such as planning for college tuition expenses and retirement, the financial choices you make today can have long-term effects on you, your family, and your ministry. The more you know about handling your finances, the better your chances of reaching your goals. The resources below can help support your individual and financial well-being as you pursue those goals.

Financial Planning Association

Getting in Shape Fiscally Seminar
This seminar is available to seminarians, plan members of the Benefits Plan of the PC(USA), and their guests.

Money 101 at CNN Money

Personal Finance Series:

Retirement Savings Plan of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
The Retirement Savings Plan is available to all employees who work for a participating PC(USA) employing organization.

Minister Educational Debt Assistance Grant
This grant is available to PC(USA) ministers in their first six years of ministry who are enrolled in Pastor's Participation, in the church Benefits Plan.

Transformational Leadership Debt Assistance
Presbyterian Mission Agency program supporting leadership for transforming existing congregations and new worshiping communities.

"As my identity as a pastor
deepens, so too does the demand of God's call for vocational trust. There is comfort in knowing our denomination invests in a future that is sometimes difficult to imagine. Our financial security does not depend on the Board of Pensions, but, in many ways, it is protected by it."

— Lori Raible,
   Associate Pastor,
      Selwyn Avenue Presbyterian Church​
      Charlotte, North Carolina​​​​​​​​​​​